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March 2, 2021 @ 4pm Central

Help Teachers Grow—From Anywhere: How To Become A Virtual (& In-Person) Instructional Coach

Allyson Burnett & Kelley Garris

With Justin Baeder

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What We'll Cover

In this webinar, you'll learn how virtual coaches are changing teacher practice, and how you can master the skills of coaching teachers at a distance—and in person. We'll explore:

  • The multiplier effect—how instructional coaches are getting more time with each client by adding virtual elements to their in-person coaching
  • Why virtual coaching is a massive opportunity—allowing coaches to support teachers in schools that are too small or too remote to employ full-time coaches
  • Making the money work—successful funding arrangements for virtual coaching that make it both a bargain for schools and a lucrative source of income for coaches
  • The crossover effect—how virtual coaching improves coaches' face-to-face coaching skills, and vice-versa
  • Why teachers actually prefer to be coached virtually, and why it matters

Justin Baeder, PhD

Director, The Principal Center

About Your Host

Dr. Justin Baeder is Director of The Principal Center, creator of the Instructional Leadership Challenge, and author of Now We're Talking! 21 Days to High-Performance Instructional Leadership