Become an Instructional Leadership Association member and lock in your access to 100+ trainings before they go in the vault forever!

  • On-demand recordings of every Principal Center & PBL Network webinar
  • Now We're Talking audiobook + hardcopy
  • Repertoire feedback app
  • Marshall Memo
  • Ascend Live—45 episodes
  • Instructional Leadership Show—100+ episodes
  • Inbox Overhaul
  • Roundtable Expert Q&As
  • Instructional Framework Development Program (for teacher teams)
  • Systems for Office Effectiveness (customer service training for office staff)


Q: What's the pricing for groups & individuals?

A: We have two options:

  • Individual—$399/year—save $165
  • Group—$299/person/year—save $265 per person

We can also do enrollment-based district quotes for districts—please contact us at [email protected].

Q: What does "Clearance Sale" mean? What are you clearing out?

A: We're putting many of our programs, webinars, and episodes "in the vault" after this sale. They'll continue to be available to existing members, but won't be included for future members or available for purchase.


Periodically, we need to do some "Spring Cleaning." Otherwise, it's overwhelming to new members, and we simply have too many programs to realistically promote.

Some programs are being pruned as we continue to refine and focus on our core programs. That means all the great PD in these programs won't be available ever again.

Finally, we're putting all but the most recent few webinars and episodes of our shows, like Ascend Live and the Instructional Leadership Show, in the "vault" so we can start fresh.

Q: What payment methods do you accept? 

A: We accept school purchase orders as well as credit/debit cards. Please let us know if you need a receipt and we can provide one. Our vendor information, including W-9, is here.

Q: Can we do a custom program for our district's administrators?

A: Yes, please email [email protected] for details.

Q: Is this available to regional service centers?

A: Yes, many of our best partners are regional service centers and similar agencies. Please schedule a call to discuss options.

Q: Is this available to state principal associations?

A: Yes—we can make our programs available to your members. Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss. Flat-rate and fee-based rev-share options are possible.

Q: Can you do back-to-school or summer onsite PD days?

A: District ($25K+) and service center packages include two onsite PD days with Dr. Justin Baeder. Please contact our team at [email protected] if you'd like to request that certain dates be held for your district.

Monthly Registration—Credit Card 

Annual Registration—Purchase Order or Credit Card