
Webinar Details:

Learning Dynamics: Using Your Instructional Framework in Evidence-Based Feedback Conversations

What We'll Cover

 In this webinar, you'll learn how to triangulate the evidence you gather during teacher observations with your instructional framework, so you can identify the biggest opportunities for improvement.

We'll Explore:

  • How to get teachers to explain their thinking and decision-making, without triggering defensiveness
  • Why overall practice (NOT individual lessons) is what we're really evaluating—and what to do if you're required to score each observation
  • How to accurately assess a teacher's performance according to your evaluation rubric, even if you've only done one or two formal observations
  • How to uncover the hidden aspects of teacher practice like planning, building relationships, and using assessment for instructional decision-making
  • How to make firsthand evidence a central feature of your feedback conversations—without having to transcribe every word like a court reporter.

Justin Baeder

Director, The Principal Center

About The Presenter

Justin Baeder is Director of The Principal Center, creator of the Instructional Leadership Challenge, and author of Now We're Talking! 21 Days to High-Performance Instructional Leadership.