Webinar Details:

Evidence to Improvement: Using Classroom Observations to Drive Organizational Excellence

What We'll Cover

In this webinar, you'll discover how an evidence-based approach to classroom walkthroughs and formal observations can lead to massive improvements in teaching and organizational performance.

We'll Explore...

  • Why "evidence" often has negative connotations to teachers—and what leaders with high emotional intelligence are doing differently
  • How to respond to sub-par teaching when you aren't sure the teacher has the capacity to do better in the short term
  • The key document that aligns everyone's expectations for excellent teaching practice, school- and district-wide
  • How classroom walkthroughs can contribute to your formal evaluations, even if they're not officially allowed as evidence
  • How to articulate a growth pathway with subject-specific pedagogy rubrics, so every teacher can teach like your best teachers

Justin Baeder, PhD

Director, The Principal Center

About The Presenter

Justin Baeder, PhD is Director of The Principal Center, creator of the Instructional Leadership Challenge, and author of Now We're Talking! 21 Days to High-Performance Instructional Leadership.