Get Lifetime Access To Everything We Offer

Navigator is our highest level of membership at The Principal Center, including permanent access to all of our programs and tools, including Repertoire. 

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What's Included

The Professional Writing App for Instructional Leaders

Take all of your walkthrough & observation notes in one place, with timestamps, teacher evaluation criteria, and reusable templates

  • Autocomplete-style Snippet feature instantly searches your phrase database—re-use anything you've written with a single click
  • Powerful A.I. writing tools make it easy to find the right words
  • More than 40 drag-and-drop, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank templates, including the Final Evaluation Builder, Cover Letter Generator, Recommendation Letter Builder, and more
  • Convert to Template feature, so you can turn existing documents and emails into easy-to-edit templates, complete with fill-in fields
  • Concierge import of your evaluation criteria & other key phrases

Evidence-Driven Classroom Walkthrough Certification

The Evidence-Driven Classroom Walkthrough Certification Program allows you to demonstrate your ability to provide effective instructional leadership—particularly through evidence-based, framework-linked feedback conversations with teachers. 

You'll receive:

  • Individualized support and feedback on your work
  • Portfolio review and assessment
  • Signed certificate upon completion of certification requirements

Course Content

Module 1

Evidence-Driven Classroom Walkthroughs

  • Why good feedback begins with evidence, not a list of "look-fors"
  • How to stop playing the "Fake Feedback Game" and start having conversations that actually sharpen teacher professional judgment
  • How to overcome resistance and get into classrooms consistently
  • Why the "diagnose and prescribe" approach doesn't work with experienced teachers, and how to differentiate based on skill

Module 3

Evidence-Driven Feedback Conversations for Changing Teacher Practice

  • Why teaching is intellectual work, and how to give feedback that respects it as such
  • 3 roles instructional leaders can play in feedback conversations—the boss, the coach, and the leader
  • How to use evidence-driven questions to gain insight into teachers' invisible thinking and decision-making
  • Scenarios for practicing differentiated instructional leadership with video

Module 2

Productivity Systems for Confidently Getting Into Classrooms Every Day

  • How to protect your time for classroom visits without leaving your staff feeling unsupported
  • Three systems for getting email, paperwork on your desk, and all the tasks on your to-do list under control for good
  • How to ramp up your first three cycles of classroom visits, and keep a consistent rotation
  • How to use our Daily Scorecard system—and members-only planner—to get your most essential work done each day

Module 4

Discovering Your Best Opportunities for School Improvement

  • The close link between your operations management and instructional leadership roles—and why they can't be separated
  • How to map the improvement opportunities in your school based on your walkthroughs, and take the actions that will produce the greatest gains
  • How to develop shared expectations to move practice forward
  • How to use walkthroughs to reduce uncertainty in the teacher supervision and evaluation process

Evidence-Driven Teacher Evaluation Certification

The Evidence-Driven Teacher Evaluation Certification Program allows you to demonstrate your ability to provide effective instructional leadership through the formal evaluation process

You'll receive:

  • Individualized support and feedback on your work
  • Portfolio review and assessment
  • Signed certificate upon completion of certification requirements

Module 1

Goal-Setting for Teacher Growth

  • Process accountability vs. performance accountability, and which type to use for SMART goals
  • How to foster a growth mindset and create the safety teachers need to set ambitious goals—within your current district process
  • How to use the 5P Goal System to help teachers set the right kinds of goals
  • Three keys to intrinsic motivation, and how to foster them in the goal-setting process
  • The most common goal-setting mistake—and how to avoid short-circuiting teacher growth and accountability

Module 3

Evidence-Driven Formal Observations

  • How to gather plenty of evidence for every domain of practice, even if you only do one formal observation
  • Why low-inference scripting is better than observation forms
  • How to handle inter-rater reliability across your admin team or district
  • What to do when you don't have evidence for some evaluation criteria
  • Why teacher practice is like an iceberg, and how to get evidence of the 80% we can't see 

Module 2

Instructional Frameworks as Growth Pathways

  • 4 indicators of teacher practices that will affect student learning the most
  • How to help already-good and already-great teachers keep growing
  • How to use your evaluation criteria to design a developmental pathway for teachers who aren't meeting expectations
  • The 3 elements of fluency, and how to help teachers attain proficiency in areas they're struggling with
  • How to tell if your expectations are high enough, and how to raise them if you need to

Module 4

Rating Teacher Performance & Writing Airtight Final Evaluations with GSIR

  • How to ensure that every teacher receives an accurate rating of their performance—and what to do if you're short on evidence
  • A proven format for writing final evaluations that will withstand even the closest scrutiny from HR, union reps, and attorneys
  • How to address performance concerns that will need to be a focus the following year
  • What to say about unmet SMART goals
  • How to use our Final Evaluation Builder's multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank templates

Lifetime Instructional Leadership Association Membership

  • Repertoire teacher observation & evaluation app
  • Classroom Walkthrough Toolbox & Instructional Leadership Challenge
  • Marshall Memo + PDF Planners + Inbox Overhaul & other mini-courses
  • Now We're Talking hardcopy + All book studies
  • All of our job search resources, including Ascend Starter Pack, Résumé Templates, Rapid Interview Prep Toolkit, Cover Letter Generator, and more

Turnover Protection™ for Teams

Even if you have turnover on your team, everyone will have access to all of our tools and programs. If a member of your group departs, we'll create a new seat for your new hire at no additional charge.

Plus, the departing staff member can keep their access and Repertoire account. We call it Turnover Protection™, and it allows you to invest with confidence in your team's professional growth. 

FAQ—Frequently Asked Questions

What Principal Center programs are included?

All of them—Navigator membership is a one-time purchase that includes lifetime access to all Principal Center programs, including:

  • The Instructional Leadership Association, including the Repertoire app—a $3,996 value
  • The Evidence-Driven Classroom Walkthrough Certification Program—a $1999 value
  • The Evidence-Driven Teacher Evaluation Certification Program—a $1999 value
  • All other current and future Principal Center programs

Are there any renewal fees, or any further upgrades that will be available in the future?

No, this is a one-time purchase. You'll gain access to everything we offer, forever, with nothing else to buy.

Navigator is our all-inclusive, highest level of membership. Any new programs we may offer in the future will be included at no additional cost.

Who is Navigator membership for?

Navigator membership is designed for instructional leaders who support teachers, including:

  • School-based administrators, e.g. principals and assistant principals who evaluate teachers
  • School-based instructional coaches who support teacher growth in a non-evaluative capacity
  • Central office leaders who oversee teacher evaluation, e.g. human resources & curriculum directors
  • Aspiring administrators who want to expand their knowledge of teacher evaluation and start right
  • Superintendents, Executive Directors, and other senior organizational leaders who oversee the work of principals

Can we use ESSER or EANS Funds?

Yes, many of our customers use ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) or EANS (Emergency Assistance for Nonpublic Schools) funds. Our customer service team will be happy to work with your bookkeeping, grants, or finance staff and coordinating agencies to accept grant-funded payments. 

How Does Turnover Protection Work?

If anyone in your group moves into a different role, they can take their membership with them, and we'll create a new seat for their replacement at no charge. 

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