Now We're Talking!

21 Days to High-Performance Instructional Leadership

The #1 book on classroom walkthroughs will help you:

  • Confidently get into classrooms every day
  • Have feedback conversations that change teacher practice
  • Discover your best opportunities for school improvement

Organized into 21 action-oriented chapters to be read over 21 days, Now We're Talking! will help you develop a consistent habit of classroom walkthroughs and feedback conversations with teachers.

What's In The Book?


Week 1: High-Performance Instructional Leadership Fundamentals

  • Chapter 1: Understanding Why Instructional Leaders Belong in Classrooms
  • Chapter 2: Following the High-Performance Instructional Leadership Model
  • Chapter 3: Acknowledging Related Instructional Leadership, Supervision, and Walkthrough Models
  • Chapter 4: Conducting Your First Two Cycles of Visits
  • Chapter 5: Thinking Ahead to Your Third Cycle of Visits

Week 2: High-Performance Habits

  • Chapter 6: Making Time to Visit Classrooms
  • Chapter 7: Keeping Your Communication Channels Under Control
  • Chapter 8: Managing the Work You're Not Doing Yet
  • Chapter 9: Organizing Your To-Do List
  • Chapter 10: Maximizing Your Mental Energy With Habits

Week 3: High-Impact Instructional Conversations

  • Chapter 11: Going Beyond Data Collection and the Feedback Sandwich
  • Chapter 12: Facilitating Evidence-Based Conversations
  • Chapter 13: Bringing a Shared Instructional Framework Into the Conversation
  • Chapter 14: Developing Skills for High-Impact Conversations
  • Chapter 15: Handling the Toughest Conversations

Week 4: High-Performance Instructional Leadership Enhancement

  • Chapter 16: Building Your Feedback Repertoire
  • Chapter 17: Balancing Your Formal Evaluation Responsibilities
  • Chapter 18: Identifying Improvements From Classroom Visits
  • Chapter 19: Opening the Door to New Models of Professional Learning
  • Chapter 20: Choosing an Instructional Focus for an Observation Cycle
  • Chapter 21: Scaling Classroom Visits Across Your School and District

Get The Book

Get The audioBook

The unabridged audiobook of Now We're Talking, narrated by the author, is available via and in the Instructional Leadership Association member dashboard.


Justin Baeder, PhD

Justin Baeder, PhD. is author of Now We're Talking! 21 Days to High-Performance Instructional Leadership (Solution Tree), co-author of Mapping Professional Practice (Solution Tree), and creator of the Instructional Leadership Challenge, which has helped more than 10,000 leaders in 50 countries make a daily habit of classroom visits. He holds a PhD in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies from the University of Washington, and helps senior leaders in K-12 organizations build capacity for instructional leadership


Is Now We're Talking! Available as an Audiobook?

Yes, the Now We're Talking! audiobook is available through the Instructional Leadership Association membership as well as

The audiobook is 5 hours in length, so it's easy to finish in just a few minutes a day.

Can we order multiple copies directly from The Principal Center?

Please contact Solution Tree for bulk orders. Phone: 800-733-6786

What others are saying about

Now We're Talking!

I just want to thank for the work you do! My practice, as a vice-principal, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, has been transformed because of your book, "Now We're Talking" and the videos and resources embedded in your website and in emails set to me.

It still very much a work in progress, however the intentionality of class visits has had a huge impact on my learning, adult learning and ultimately, student learning.


I so wish I had this book as a first year admin. Would have really helped with classroom visits and creating a collaborative culture throughout the school. Very practical!

Maria Johnson / PRINCIPAL

My kind of book! Simple practical ways for admin to get into classes more! The classroom is my “happy place” but I struggle with everything else that needs to get done. My AP and I are both implementing together! ⁦


Your book and subsequent emails have flipped my thinking on data-driven walkthroughs. I’ve never felt they were effective, as a change agent, but I didn’t know what else to do. I left my first few notes for teachers this week, and shared an electronic version of my scripted notes. I was incredibly please at the teachers responses. They showed reflection on practice, and not defensiveness. I can’t wait to see how this approach will impact instructional and ultimately student learning.

Leslie rader / Executive director