

Get the book, Competency-Based Education Ignited: A Transformational Systemwide Approach for Leaders (A critical road map for implementing competency-based learning)

Visit the Competency Based Education IGNITED website, www.CBEIgnited.org

About The Authors

Richard DeLorenzo is an internationally known leader in education and organization restructuring. He is best known for his uniquely comprehensive grassroots approach to reinventing school systems to meet the needs of all learners. He is the author of Delivering on the Promise: The Education Revolution.
Roxanne Mourant, is chief education officer of Educating for Leadership, Inc., in Alaska. She and Richard worked together at the Re-Inventing Schools Coalition, leading system change through leadership, curricular improvement, and professional development. She has more than 35 years of experience as a teacher, principal, district administrator, and university instructor.

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