Want sample résumé & cover letter
designs for K-12 admin jobs?

Matching Résumé & Cover Letter Templates

Looking for style & layout inspiration? This sample PDF shows you: 

  • 10 highly readable yet visually striking styles, created by our in-house professional graphic designer
  • The specific sections to include in your résumé, shown in the ideal order
  • What education résumés and cover letters should look like (different from other fields)

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Justin Baeder, PhD

Director, The Principal Center

❝ If you search the internet for résumé and cover letter templates, you'll find tons of examples—but they aren't a good fit for educational leadership jobs. They're either too generic and corporate-looking, or too wild and hard to read. Our graphic designer created these templates to show you exactly what to include in your résumé and cover letter, and how it should look so it lands in the "YES" pile! ❞