Webinar Details:

TILT: How to Establish a Trauma informed Leadership Team

What We'll Cover

In this webinar, you'll learn how to establish a trauma-informed multi-tiered system of support (T-MTSS) for your school.

We'll Explore:

  • Core tenets of trauma-informed leadership—and why your school needs a TILT
  • Evidence-based practices for universal screening and T-MTSS
  • Horizontal accountability—how to foster staff ownership via your TILT
  • TILT logistics—whom to include, when to meet, and what data to review
  • How to use school-wide data to inform Tier 1 interventions

Chris Daikos

Education Consultant

Courtney Daikos

Education Consultant

About The Presenters

Chris Daikos, M.iT., M.Ed, Ed.S, is currently a consultant focused on trauma informed MTSS for school districts and communities. Previously, Chris served as Adjunct Faculty in the College of Education at Seattle University, as a special education teacher, school psychologist and administrator. Chris’ passion, consultation and research focus on systems to address behavior disorders as well as the school to prison pipeline.

Courtney Daikos, M.Ed. served students at the elementary and secondary level as a teacher and administrator, in Chicago and the South Seattle regions, where she focused on equitable access to relevant academics and restorative social-emotional practices for linguistically and culturally diverse communities. She now serves school districts and communities as a consultant on trauma informed MTSS for Continua Consulting Group.